Artist Oil Painting : 18 Wheeler Freightliner Truck Cab

artist-oil painting 18 wheeler truck cab

Artist Oil Painting : 18 Wheeler Freightliner Truck Cab


“18 Wheeler Freightliner Truck Cab”

Commissioned Oil Painting ‘portrait’ of an 18-Wheeler truck cab. When I moved to northern Maine, I never expected to be doing ‘portraits’ of artwork from photo of this type of subject… (i.e. an 18-wheeler truck cab); however, when I was commissioned to do one for a friend that I met here, I decided to give it a try. What I discovered & still remember while I was painting it, were the unexpected techniques I learned by fabricating textures; such as the chrome & metal elements of the truck body.  I apply this concept whenever I am considering a new project, since I never know what opportunities to learn something new may exist, that may not be immediately apparent to me.


Not for sale ~  16″ x 20″






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