Graphic Design : Designing Logos For Your Website
Graphic Design is a key element to the look and feel of your website. Your logo and header, as well as your banners visually represent your product or service; giving visitors their 1st impression…which directly results in whether they continue viewing what your website has to offer or leave your site to continue looking elsewhere.
Creating an image that identifies and defines, as well as enhances what your company offers, can be the difference in whether visitors will decide to choose YOUR products and services. Other than the words they read, and what they mean to someone reading them; images are another way you can communicate a message.
Graphic design encompasses a wide array of elements that are directly linked to the psychological reasons of why people are attracted to something vs. rejecting it as being unappealing. Colors, evoke certain emotional responses, as does the overall feeling created by what the viewer sees. The resulting effect will be determined by the colors and style of the fonts, as well as images and forms that are included in the design. The associations made by the person viewing can be very powerful, and will define the reaction they will have when they are presented with a particular image.
Readability, size, and placement…
of different forms and elements, are important to the design; in terms of what the image is trying to convey, and how easy it is to decipher it’s intent. Simple fonts as opposed to ornate ones will portray your company’s products or services in a certain way, as well as the size and whether a font is emphasized as bold or intentionally made less prominent. The size and placement of an image will also have an effect on how important the text will seem in a logo, banner or header.
By Clicking On The Button Below, You Can Submit Your Graphic Design Project To Be Created By ARTISTkarin
ARTISTkarin Graphic Design…
creates artistic, unique, high-quality logos, headers, and banners with the emphasis on the client’s needs for well-designed, quality website images that express their company’s or an individual’s preferences and desire to express their style and creativity.
ARTISTkarin is partnered with Nexus Software Systems, The Web-Development Company. ‘NexWeb’ provides custom designed, high performance, search engine optimized websites that are appropriate for your particular business and match your preferences in terms of design. Their professional web developers have over 20 years of experience. Using NexWeb’s innovative, accurate and precise, proven successful development techniques; insures that you will have the results that you expect.
To Contact ARTISTkarin and start your graphic design project, simply fill out the Contact Us form…
or Call Us at: 207-448-7095.