Oil Paintings Resources for Artists…
There are many ways to ‘introduce’ yourself to the world of art in order to gain experience & insight that will help you to find resources; whether you are looking to make art a career or a hobby.
One way to gain some exposure as an artist, is to join your local artist’s association. They usually offer classes in Oil Painting, as well as in other mediums. You can often start by taking classes there & then become a juried member, (i.e. submit your artwork for approval by a juried panel…usually made up of other juried members); & you will be supporting art in your local community at the same time!
To find information on oil paintings resources for artists…
Read books on Oil Paintings about Techniques, Composition, Color, or about the materials you’ll need to get started. A good example of a self-help book that I got a great deal out of, is: “The New Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain“; written by Betty Edwards. Her book addresses an issue that is very close to my heart, which is that people give up their chance to become artists either professionally, for their own enjoyment; or to at least have the ability to render a decent drawing of even everyday objects that they may want to illustrate to others in their daily lives…as I mentioned earlier, this occurs at a very young age; when they compare their stick figure drawings to what they see on paper.
“The New Drawing On The Right Side Of the Brain” by Betty Edwards.
Another venue available to artists that I have become involved in… is artist web design.
The internet has become a huge resource for artists of all mediums. Online galleries are numerous and offer artists ways to express their creativity in the both the design of their website… where they can reflect their unique style by offering artistic web design to individuals & companies looking to express their style & vision; as well as a place to showcase the artist’s own work, whether it’s oil paintings, watercolors, and many others. These are examples of oil paintings resources for artists that you as an oil painter may find especially helpful.