![artist oil painting frieghtliner study in metal chrome](wp-content/uploads/2012/08/artist-oil-painting-frieghtliner-study-in-metal-chrome-website-2016.jpg)
“Freightliner : 18-Wheeler | A Study In Metal & Chrome”
Oil Painting of an emerald green ‘Freightliner’, which is a make of 18-wheeler trucks…a division of Daimler; (formerly of the well-known auto-manufacturer Daimler-Chrysler).
I found this be a very interesting subject, especially because of its incredible emerald green color, which shone beautifully in the northern Maine sunshine. It was as a definite challenge for me to recreate these textures of chrome, (metal, including the metallic paint), and glass. Surprisingly, I found it to be a very good learning experience; as well as a painting I really enjoyed doing once I found all the amazing hues and textures that it contained. I have lived in northern Maine for the past 18 years, doing custom portraits of various ‘traditional’ subjects; (i.e. people, pets, etc.) and it was a surprise to me that I would find this subject to be something I would have chosen to paint…however; I found that opportunities to learn and execute expression in both subject and technique, can be found in almost anything if you are willing to look and discard your notion of what is generally thought of as aesthetically ‘appealing’.
Oil on canvas ~ 24″ x 30″ © ArtistKarin Press Cohen (Unframed)
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