Artist Oil Painting Commissioned Portrait | Four Siamese Cats
Commissioned Oil Painting of four Siamese cats, who live harmoniously together with their owners in Florida. Each cat had a separate reference photo, which all needed to be placed into one composition. This required quite a bit of re-sizing and cropping to get the composition to ‘work’, and I felt very honored to have the opportunity to create a portrait that showed not only the beauty of these cats, but also having them together in one portrait was necessary to illustrate their story. All four cats were rescued together by this kind and heroic couple, where they were being kept together in a chicken coop…located outside in Florida on a day in August! The owner preferred to have a completely white background to compliment her decor, and also not take away or distract from her two Seal-point, one blue-point, and a flame-point; Siamese cats…”Nellie”, “Samarai” (“Sammie”), “Elmo”, and “Thai Ling”
Having several photos to work from can be challenging, but also very helpful in being able to create a memorable portrait for these obvious cat-lovers.
Oil on canvas ~ 12″ x 24″ (not for sale)
For information on how to have my commissioned portrait of your 2 or 4-legged family member, painted…or one of, or for a special person in your life, Click here to go to my How to Order a Commissioned Portrait page. You can also go directly to my Oil Painting Prices page.