Artist : Oil Painting | Antique Balloons
“Antique Balloons”
A depiction of scene that was common in the 1700’s, I was drawn to this image for it’s interesting qualities of color, (hues of ‘Pthalo Blue’, a ‘warmer’ & extremely vibrant member of the blue ‘family’; were used for the highlights and shadows of the dominant coloring comprising half of the sections of the largest balloon in the painting)… I also admired the interesting shapes applied to the balloon’s remaining section, which resembled symbols found in Greek mythology.
Back when I was 1st learning how to paint with oils, it was recommended to me by one of the teachers at one of the places where I took art courses;to try copying reproductions of paintings that interested me; which had a high-degree of aesthetic value in terms of color & form. I chose examples of ones that had distinctly antique subject matter, since I had a strong interest in this genre; since trying to reproduce them as closely as possible to the original would give me an opportunity to learn techniques of mixing colors and replicating unusual shapes and details in ways I had not done before. Copying paintings of well-respected artists, and even the old masters; can be a valuable way to gain insight into how color, values, & the various techniques such as brush strokes; were used to achieve the different elements that are evident in their paintings.
Not for sale ~ 16″ x 20″ (Oval)
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